1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,106 - [Voiceover] I am about to do something 2 00:00:02,106 --> 00:00:04,927 that most of you will probably find disconcerting, 3 00:00:04,927 --> 00:00:07,307 in fact, the first time that I saw someone do this, 4 00:00:07,307 --> 00:00:10,081 I too found it disconcerting. 5 00:00:10,081 --> 00:00:12,101 So, just as a little bit of background, 6 00:00:12,101 --> 00:00:13,599 so far, when we've been thinking about 7 00:00:13,599 --> 00:00:15,688 our space axis, and we've really just been 8 00:00:15,688 --> 00:00:17,488 focusing on one dimension of space, 9 00:00:17,488 --> 00:00:19,484 we've been focusing on the x dimension, 10 00:00:19,484 --> 00:00:21,400 or the x prime dimension, depending on 11 00:00:21,400 --> 00:00:24,929 whose frame of reference we are talking about. 12 00:00:24,929 --> 00:00:27,483 We measured that in terms of meters. 13 00:00:27,483 --> 00:00:29,166 We measured that in terms of meters, 14 00:00:29,166 --> 00:00:30,699 and then when we thought about time, 15 00:00:30,699 --> 00:00:32,939 well, we said, initially, we said, "Well, time is 16 00:00:32,939 --> 00:00:34,959 "fundamentally something different than space," 17 00:00:34,959 --> 00:00:37,304 so we had a different set of units called seconds, 18 00:00:37,304 --> 00:00:39,440 in fact, you know, this goes well before we, 19 00:00:39,440 --> 00:00:41,681 well before the 20th century when we got 20 00:00:41,681 --> 00:00:43,979 special relativity, this goes all the way back to well 21 00:00:43,979 --> 00:00:46,905 before even that, where we said time is something different. 22 00:00:46,905 --> 00:00:49,508 We measure it in units of time, in seconds, 23 00:00:49,508 --> 00:00:51,669 or minutes, or hours, or days. 24 00:00:51,669 --> 00:00:53,219 While distance, which is different than time, 25 00:00:53,219 --> 00:00:55,466 we measured in meters, or feet, or miles, 26 00:00:55,466 --> 00:00:58,686 or kilometers, or whatever else. 27 00:00:58,686 --> 00:01:00,975 But as we started to get into this world of 28 00:01:00,975 --> 00:01:04,572 special relativity and we started to see that 29 00:01:04,572 --> 00:01:07,662 space and time are not each absolute. 30 00:01:07,662 --> 00:01:10,576 And, in fact, we can actually think of all events 31 00:01:10,576 --> 00:01:14,314 as happening in this continuum called spacetime. 32 00:01:14,314 --> 00:01:16,043 And I say it fast, "spacetime". 33 00:01:16,043 --> 00:01:18,683 Because it's not saying "space-time". 34 00:01:18,683 --> 00:01:20,118 Two different things. 35 00:01:20,118 --> 00:01:22,277 It's saying that they're really just different directions 36 00:01:22,277 --> 00:01:24,483 in this continuum spacetime. 37 00:01:24,483 --> 00:01:26,759 And so, if they are all the same thing why do we 38 00:01:26,759 --> 00:01:30,473 use different units for space and time? 39 00:01:30,473 --> 00:01:33,863 Why do we use seconds for time and meters for space? 40 00:01:33,863 --> 00:01:37,323 Or at least in the examples that I've been doing so far. 41 00:01:37,323 --> 00:01:39,459 And so to fix that, instead of calling this 42 00:01:39,459 --> 00:01:43,139 the "t-prime axis" or the "t axis," instead of labeling 43 00:01:43,139 --> 00:01:45,519 it in terms of seconds, what we can do 44 00:01:45,519 --> 00:01:47,074 and this is the part that many of you 45 00:01:47,074 --> 00:01:49,698 will find disconcerting, let's call this 46 00:01:49,698 --> 00:01:52,171 the "c times t-prime axis." 47 00:01:52,171 --> 00:01:55,096 And let's call this the "c times t axis." 48 00:01:55,096 --> 00:01:58,114 And the "c times t-prime axis." 49 00:01:58,114 --> 00:01:59,600 Well, what's that going to do? 50 00:01:59,600 --> 00:02:01,841 Well, we know that the speed of light is an absolute. 51 00:02:01,841 --> 00:02:04,012 It is, if we are measuring it in, 52 00:02:04,012 --> 00:02:05,746 and I'll do approximately because it's actually 53 00:02:05,746 --> 00:02:07,355 two point nine something. 54 00:02:07,355 --> 00:02:10,320 But, approximately three times 10 to the 8th 55 00:02:10,320 --> 00:02:11,260 meters per second. 56 00:02:11,260 --> 00:02:13,158 For the sake of all of these videos I'm just assuming 57 00:02:13,158 --> 00:02:14,820 it's three times ten to the 8th meters per second. 58 00:02:14,820 --> 00:02:17,374 For simplicity it's roughly that. 59 00:02:17,374 --> 00:02:19,672 So if we were to take c times time 60 00:02:19,672 --> 00:02:22,958 instead of this being one second, in terms of seconds, 61 00:02:22,958 --> 00:02:24,426 well, we multiply it times 62 00:02:24,426 --> 00:02:26,916 three times ten to the 8th meters per second. 63 00:02:26,916 --> 00:02:29,029 Well, the seconds cancel out and we're left... 64 00:02:29,029 --> 00:02:31,897 If we want to measure time in terms of meters, 65 00:02:31,897 --> 00:02:35,077 would be three times ten to the 8th meters. 66 00:02:35,077 --> 00:02:38,600 So this is three times ten to the 8th meters, 67 00:02:38,600 --> 00:02:40,069 instead of calling it one second. 68 00:02:40,069 --> 00:02:42,252 This over here is negative. 69 00:02:42,252 --> 00:02:43,737 So that over there is negative 70 00:02:43,737 --> 00:02:47,314 three times ten to the 8th meters. 71 00:02:47,314 --> 00:02:50,506 Along the "c t-prime axis." 72 00:02:50,506 --> 00:02:53,350 Likewise, this what we called one second, 73 00:02:53,350 --> 00:02:55,916 right over here, instead we can call this as 74 00:02:55,916 --> 00:02:59,375 three times ten to the 8th meters. 75 00:02:59,375 --> 00:03:01,764 This we could call negative 76 00:03:01,764 --> 00:03:04,774 three times ten to the 8th meters. 77 00:03:04,774 --> 00:03:07,165 Now this will be counterintuitive to you 78 00:03:07,165 --> 00:03:10,311 because you've always viewed time as fundamentally 79 00:03:10,311 --> 00:03:11,669 something different than meters. 80 00:03:11,669 --> 00:03:14,165 You haven't been thinking in terms of spacetime. 81 00:03:14,165 --> 00:03:16,974 In fact, in our normal human experience we don't experience 82 00:03:16,974 --> 00:03:19,203 the world in terms of space time. 83 00:03:19,203 --> 00:03:21,223 Time is something that we are just falling forward into 84 00:03:21,223 --> 00:03:24,810 and space is something that we feel like we have more 85 00:03:24,810 --> 00:03:27,109 agency and we can move in the different dimensions 86 00:03:27,109 --> 00:03:29,744 of space more easily, while time just feels like we're 87 00:03:29,744 --> 00:03:32,786 plummeting forward in that dimension. 88 00:03:32,786 --> 00:03:34,725 But now we're thinking in terms of spacetime 89 00:03:34,725 --> 00:03:37,046 and this makes our units the same. 90 00:03:37,046 --> 00:03:39,264 Now if it helps you, you could view this as 91 00:03:39,264 --> 00:03:42,224 three times ten to the 8th light meters. 92 00:03:42,224 --> 00:03:44,848 So you could think of this as the time it would take 93 00:03:44,848 --> 00:03:48,342 for light to go three times ten to the 8th meters. 94 00:03:48,342 --> 00:03:50,687 Likewise, if we wanted everything in terms of what 95 00:03:50,687 --> 00:03:53,508 we traditionally conceive of as our time dimensions, 96 00:03:53,508 --> 00:03:55,923 we could have kept this as one second, 97 00:03:55,923 --> 00:03:58,212 instead of calling this three times ten to the 8th meters 98 00:03:58,212 --> 00:04:00,449 we could have called this one light second, 99 00:04:00,449 --> 00:04:02,678 which would be the distance that light travels 100 00:04:02,678 --> 00:04:07,058 in what we measure, or what we consider to be one second. 101 00:04:07,058 --> 00:04:09,842 But the benefit of this is now we're consistent. 102 00:04:09,842 --> 00:04:12,640 We're measuring different directions in spacetime, 103 00:04:12,640 --> 00:04:14,521 which is kind of a continuum, 104 00:04:14,521 --> 00:04:16,887 there is no separate time and space. 105 00:04:16,887 --> 00:04:19,546 We're measuring them all in the same units, 106 00:04:19,547 --> 00:04:22,600 which we will find is very, very convenient. 107 00:04:22,600 --> 00:04:24,481 So, I know this is going to take a little bit of time 108 00:04:24,481 --> 00:04:26,698 to get your head around, and I'll maybe do a few 109 00:04:26,698 --> 00:04:28,822 more videos to make you feel comfortable with 110 00:04:28,822 --> 00:04:31,888 this type of idea, but this will be a 111 00:04:31,888 --> 00:04:32,908 convenient thing for us. 112 00:04:35,158 --> 00:04:39,921 Especially as we start to have a metric in our, 113 00:04:40,551 --> 00:04:44,320 what we would call, our Minkowski spacetime. 114 00:04:44,320 --> 00:04:46,215 Because we are going to be operating in the different 115 00:04:46,215 --> 00:04:49,417 dimensions as if they have the same units. 116 00:04:49,417 --> 00:04:52,226 So, hopefully, I encouraged you to kind of sit and ponder 117 00:04:52,226 --> 00:04:53,944 and think about this a little bit, 118 00:04:53,944 --> 00:00:00,000 and hopefully it doesn't bother you too much.