1 00:00:01,062 --> 00:00:03,941 - [Voiceover] Let's talk about Single Slit Interference. 2 00:00:03,941 --> 00:00:06,193 Now if I were you, I'd already be upset 3 00:00:06,193 --> 00:00:07,123 and a little mad. 4 00:00:07,123 --> 00:00:08,544 Single Slit Interference? 5 00:00:08,544 --> 00:00:09,480 Interference? 6 00:00:09,480 --> 00:00:11,377 Wave Interference is by definition 7 00:00:11,377 --> 00:00:14,601 multiple waves overlapping at a single point. 8 00:00:14,601 --> 00:00:16,907 So how could a Single Slit ever produce 9 00:00:16,907 --> 00:00:19,547 multiple waves that could overlap? 10 00:00:19,809 --> 00:00:21,480 I mean, when we had a double slit-- 11 00:00:21,480 --> 00:00:23,413 if I put a barrier in here-- 12 00:00:23,413 --> 00:00:25,301 and we have a double slit. 13 00:00:25,301 --> 00:00:26,440 At least then-- 14 00:00:26,440 --> 00:00:27,970 okay, I send in my wave. 15 00:00:27,970 --> 00:00:29,770 It gets over to here. 16 00:00:29,770 --> 00:00:31,275 There's a small hole. 17 00:00:31,275 --> 00:00:33,834 We know what waves do at a small hole, they diffract. 18 00:00:33,834 --> 00:00:35,773 Which is to say, they spread out. 19 00:00:35,878 --> 00:00:38,203 At least with a double slit, 20 00:00:38,203 --> 00:00:41,400 you would have two waves spreading out. 21 00:00:41,400 --> 00:00:42,539 Now they can overlap. 22 00:00:42,539 --> 00:00:43,803 Interference. 23 00:00:43,803 --> 00:00:45,379 But for a single slit, 24 00:00:45,379 --> 00:00:46,939 how are we ever going to get this? 25 00:00:46,939 --> 00:00:48,733 Well, I never really told you, 26 00:00:48,733 --> 00:00:52,041 why do the waves spread out at a hole? 27 00:00:52,041 --> 00:00:53,534 Why does diffraction happen at all? 28 00:00:53,534 --> 00:00:55,735 Why, when waves encounter a hole, 29 00:00:55,735 --> 00:00:56,936 do they spread out? 30 00:00:56,936 --> 00:00:59,244 And the answer to this question is the key 31 00:00:59,244 --> 00:01:01,509 to Single Slit Interference. 32 00:01:01,911 --> 00:01:04,813 And the answer to why they spread out at a hole 33 00:01:04,813 --> 00:01:07,672 is something called Huygen's Principle. 34 00:01:07,902 --> 00:01:09,978 And I can't say it. 35 00:01:09,978 --> 00:01:13,207 This is a Dutch physicist, scientist, 36 00:01:13,207 --> 00:01:14,439 who figured this out. 37 00:01:14,439 --> 00:01:16,436 Huygen's Principle. 38 00:01:16,436 --> 00:01:20,181 And I apologize right now to all the Dutch people out there, 39 00:01:20,181 --> 00:01:21,478 I'm butchering this name. 40 00:01:21,638 --> 00:01:24,144 Huygen's Principle, easier to spell than to say. 41 00:01:24,144 --> 00:01:26,779 What he said, he figured out something ingenious. 42 00:01:26,779 --> 00:01:28,373 He figured out this. 43 00:01:28,373 --> 00:01:29,806 If you've got a wave coming in, 44 00:01:29,806 --> 00:01:31,512 these wave fronts. 45 00:01:31,512 --> 00:01:33,145 Remember these wave fronts are like peaks. 46 00:01:33,145 --> 00:01:37,770 And in between them are the troughs or the valleys. 47 00:01:37,770 --> 00:01:39,230 If you've got a wave front coming in, 48 00:01:39,230 --> 00:01:40,371 propagating this way. 49 00:01:40,371 --> 00:01:41,942 You can say, "Yeah, that wave front 50 00:01:41,942 --> 00:01:43,270 moves from here to there." 51 00:01:43,270 --> 00:01:44,441 That's what it does. 52 00:01:44,441 --> 00:01:47,140 Or, he realized, with a wave, 53 00:01:47,140 --> 00:01:50,476 you can treat every point on this wave 54 00:01:50,476 --> 00:01:54,610 as a source of another wave that spreads out spherically. 55 00:01:54,610 --> 00:01:56,905 If, in the forwards direction, 56 00:01:56,905 --> 00:01:59,166 this wave spreads out spherically. 57 00:01:59,166 --> 00:02:00,308 This point here. 58 00:02:00,308 --> 00:02:05,308 He said that, a wave front you can think of as an infinite source of waves. 59 00:02:06,780 --> 00:02:07,700 Each point is the source of another wave. 60 00:02:07,700 --> 00:02:09,806 And you're thinking, this is horribly complicated. 61 00:02:09,806 --> 00:02:12,445 What kind of mess is this going to give you? 62 00:02:12,445 --> 00:02:15,343 Well, if you add this up, these are going 63 00:02:15,343 --> 00:02:16,201 to interfere with each other, 64 00:02:16,201 --> 00:02:17,838 constructive, destructive, 65 00:02:17,838 --> 00:02:19,868 in a way that just gives you 66 00:02:19,868 --> 00:02:22,597 this same wave front right back. 67 00:02:22,597 --> 00:02:24,916 This is crazy, but true. 68 00:02:24,916 --> 00:02:28,433 If you let every point on this wave be another wave source, 69 00:02:28,433 --> 00:02:32,176 it will just add up to another wave front here. 70 00:02:32,176 --> 00:02:33,735 You will just get the same thing back. 71 00:02:33,735 --> 00:02:36,200 And this is the key to understanding 72 00:02:36,200 --> 00:02:37,605 why diffraction happens. 73 00:02:37,605 --> 00:02:42,605 It's because the wave was already diffracting, so to speak. 74 00:02:43,101 --> 00:02:44,672 It was already doing diffraction. 75 00:02:44,672 --> 00:02:47,809 Every point on here was doing diffraction. 76 00:02:47,809 --> 00:02:51,474 It's just, it always added up with the other waves around it 77 00:02:51,474 --> 00:02:54,820 and every other point and gave you the same wave back. 78 00:02:54,820 --> 00:02:56,440 But when there's a barrier, 79 00:02:56,440 --> 00:02:57,666 when there's something in the way, 80 00:02:57,666 --> 00:03:01,709 these here can't re-join up with their buddies. 81 00:03:01,709 --> 00:03:03,813 You just get this one here spreading out. 82 00:03:03,813 --> 00:03:05,342 And then this one down here spreads out. 83 00:03:05,342 --> 00:03:07,279 All the rest of these get blocked. 84 00:03:07,279 --> 00:03:09,446 Now that these are blocked, 85 00:03:09,446 --> 00:03:11,364 they're not going to get to interfere 86 00:03:11,364 --> 00:03:14,502 constructively and destructively with these points here. 87 00:03:14,502 --> 00:03:17,277 And so what do you see when it hits the hole? 88 00:03:17,277 --> 00:03:18,900 You just see this thing spreading out. 89 00:03:18,900 --> 00:03:23,300 So, it was always diffracting, so to speak. 90 00:03:23,300 --> 00:03:25,704 We just didn't notice it because it always added up. 91 00:03:25,704 --> 00:03:27,513 When you've got a hole or a barrier, 92 00:03:27,513 --> 00:03:29,480 that's when we actually notice it. 93 00:03:29,480 --> 00:03:32,476 And this is the key to Single Slit Interference, because 94 00:03:32,476 --> 00:03:34,268 if I get rid of all of that, 95 00:03:34,268 --> 00:03:37,872 if we imagine our wave coming in here like this. 96 00:03:37,872 --> 00:03:39,946 Well, this wave's going to hit here. 97 00:03:39,946 --> 00:03:42,508 Every point's the source of another wave. 98 00:03:42,508 --> 00:03:44,576 So this point's going to start spreading out. 99 00:03:44,576 --> 00:03:46,401 this point's going to start spreading out. 100 00:03:46,401 --> 00:03:47,963 When we have a Single Slit, 101 00:03:47,963 --> 00:03:52,245 we really have infinitely many sources of waves here. 102 00:03:52,245 --> 00:03:54,445 And since some of them are blocked, 103 00:03:54,445 --> 00:03:56,740 we could see an interference pattern 104 00:03:56,740 --> 00:03:58,344 over here on the wall, 105 00:03:58,344 --> 00:04:01,130 because these can interact and interfere with each other. 106 00:04:01,130 --> 00:04:03,244 What interference pattern are we going to see? 107 00:04:03,244 --> 00:04:07,300 Well, on the wall over here we see a big ol' bright spot, 108 00:04:07,300 --> 00:04:08,300 right in the middle. 109 00:04:08,300 --> 00:04:11,200 And if I were guessing, I would've thought that was it. 110 00:04:11,200 --> 00:04:12,433 Big ol' bright spot, 111 00:04:12,433 --> 00:04:14,164 because you're shining a light through a small hole. 112 00:04:14,164 --> 00:04:16,301 Single hole, you would get a big bright spot there. 113 00:04:16,301 --> 00:04:18,800 The weird thing is, this jumps back up 114 00:04:18,800 --> 00:04:19,942 goes to a minimum. 115 00:04:19,942 --> 00:04:21,440 A zero point. 116 00:04:21,440 --> 00:04:22,108 And then jumps back up, 117 00:04:22,108 --> 00:04:24,380 and then it comes back up again. 118 00:04:24,380 --> 00:04:25,062 And you get this. 119 00:04:25,062 --> 00:04:26,906 These are going to be not very pronounced. 120 00:04:26,906 --> 00:04:27,838 These aren't very pronounced. 121 00:04:27,838 --> 00:04:30,031 You get a big bright spot in the middle. 122 00:04:30,031 --> 00:04:32,473 These are relatively weak compared to 123 00:04:32,473 --> 00:04:34,266 other interference patterns that we've looked at. 124 00:04:34,266 --> 00:04:38,867 And down here, it jumps up a little bit again, 125 00:04:38,867 --> 00:04:39,975 over and over here. 126 00:04:39,975 --> 00:04:41,207 So this is the pattern you see. 127 00:04:41,207 --> 00:04:42,612 How can we get this? 128 00:04:42,612 --> 00:04:43,566 How do we analyze it? 129 00:04:43,566 --> 00:04:45,876 That's what we're going to try to figure out. 130 00:04:45,876 --> 00:04:45,900 Figure that out? 131 00:04:45,900 --> 00:04:47,606 Okay, well this is a-- 132 00:04:47,606 --> 00:04:50,600 I said there's infinitely many sources here. 133 00:04:50,600 --> 00:04:51,613 With when this wave gets to here. 134 00:04:51,613 --> 00:04:52,880 That would take a long time to draw. 135 00:04:52,880 --> 00:04:54,180 I'm going to draw eight. 136 00:04:54,180 --> 00:04:58,439 So, let's say there's one, two, eight sources. 137 00:04:58,439 --> 00:04:59,875 Let's just imagine there's eight here. 138 00:04:59,875 --> 00:05:02,540 To make this a little big easier to think about. 139 00:05:02,540 --> 00:05:05,536 and the weird part is that this jumps back up here. 140 00:05:05,536 --> 00:05:07,908 So let's look at this minimum right here. 141 00:05:07,908 --> 00:05:09,779 Let's look at this point where it goes to zero. 142 00:05:09,779 --> 00:05:11,430 This destructive point. 143 00:05:11,430 --> 00:05:15,700 So the wave from this top most point, 144 00:05:15,700 --> 00:05:18,142 this wave from the top most, upper most point, 145 00:05:18,142 --> 00:05:19,967 has to travel a certain distance to get there. 146 00:05:19,967 --> 00:05:23,171 I'm going to also look at the fifth one down. 147 00:05:23,171 --> 00:05:24,881 This one that's basically half way. 148 00:05:24,881 --> 00:05:26,974 How about these two? 149 00:05:26,974 --> 00:05:29,100 If these two interfere destructively, 150 00:05:29,100 --> 00:05:30,312 the argument I'm going to make is 151 00:05:30,312 --> 00:05:32,606 if these two interfere destructively, 152 00:05:32,606 --> 00:05:34,445 all the rest of them are going 153 00:05:34,445 --> 00:05:35,942 to have to interfere destructively. 154 00:05:35,942 --> 00:05:36,834 Why? 155 00:05:36,834 --> 00:05:39,111 Well, we know how to play this game. 156 00:05:39,111 --> 00:05:41,935 Let's draw out right angle line here. 157 00:05:41,935 --> 00:05:43,479 There we go. 158 00:05:43,479 --> 00:05:46,700 And so we know that, okay, if these are going 159 00:05:46,700 --> 00:05:49,999 to interfere destructively this is the extra path length. 160 00:05:49,999 --> 00:05:52,479 This extra path length of this second wave, 161 00:05:52,479 --> 00:05:54,944 this lower middle wave has to travel. 162 00:05:54,944 --> 00:05:56,643 Has to be, what? 163 00:05:56,643 --> 00:05:57,906 If I want destructive over here, 164 00:05:57,906 --> 00:05:59,512 it's got to be a half wave length, 165 00:05:59,512 --> 00:06:01,430 three halves wave length, 166 00:06:01,430 --> 00:06:02,740 five halves wavelength. 167 00:06:02,740 --> 00:06:04,911 That's much it has be in order to be destructive. 168 00:06:04,911 --> 00:06:06,580 So if this is the first point, 169 00:06:06,580 --> 00:06:10,130 let's just say that's one half of a wave length. 170 00:06:10,130 --> 00:06:13,709 And what's the relationship between the angle 171 00:06:13,709 --> 00:06:18,642 that this is at on the wall, compared to the center line? 172 00:06:18,642 --> 00:06:20,246 Well, we already figured that out. 173 00:06:20,246 --> 00:06:22,509 Remember, that relationship was 174 00:06:22,509 --> 00:06:27,509 d sin theta equals the path length difference between these. 175 00:06:28,820 --> 00:06:29,543 That we derived. 176 00:06:29,543 --> 00:06:31,571 This screen had to be very far away 177 00:06:31,571 --> 00:06:33,537 compared to the width of the hole. 178 00:06:33,537 --> 00:06:36,612 But that relationship still applies. 179 00:06:36,612 --> 00:06:38,439 What would d be in this case? 180 00:06:38,439 --> 00:06:40,136 Now we have to be pretty careful. 181 00:06:40,136 --> 00:06:41,604 We have to be careful because 182 00:06:41,604 --> 00:06:44,312 this hole has a certain width. 183 00:06:44,312 --> 00:06:46,744 We'll call that width w. 184 00:06:46,744 --> 00:06:50,410 So if this hole has a certain width w, 185 00:06:50,410 --> 00:06:52,267 how far apart are these? 186 00:06:52,267 --> 00:06:54,000 These are not w apart. 187 00:06:54,000 --> 00:06:58,336 These are w over two apart. 188 00:06:58,336 --> 00:07:01,600 And so what's the relationship here 189 00:07:01,600 --> 00:07:02,879 for the path length distance between these two? 190 00:07:02,879 --> 00:07:04,736 Well if they're w over two apart, 191 00:07:04,736 --> 00:07:07,341 I have d sign theta as the path length difference, 192 00:07:07,341 --> 00:07:10,412 so d would be w over two. 193 00:07:10,412 --> 00:07:14,546 Times sin of the angle that this makes to this point 194 00:07:14,546 --> 00:07:15,440 on the wall. 195 00:07:15,440 --> 00:07:19,244 And if their path length difference is lambda over two, 196 00:07:19,244 --> 00:07:20,772 then that would be destructive. 197 00:07:20,772 --> 00:07:22,676 So equals lambda over two. 198 00:07:22,676 --> 00:07:24,702 And this is a little weird already, 199 00:07:24,702 --> 00:07:27,481 because look, I can cancel off the two's. 200 00:07:27,481 --> 00:07:29,277 And what do I get? 201 00:07:29,277 --> 00:07:34,277 I get that w, the width of the entire width of the slit, 202 00:07:34,578 --> 00:07:38,447 times sin of theta equals lambda. 203 00:07:38,447 --> 00:07:40,572 This is giving me destructive. 204 00:07:40,572 --> 00:07:44,675 Remember before, all of the points 205 00:07:44,675 --> 00:07:47,870 that were integer wavelengths were giving me constructive. 206 00:07:47,870 --> 00:07:51,476 This time it's giving me a destructive point over here. 207 00:07:51,476 --> 00:07:54,674 And the reason is we played this game 208 00:07:54,674 --> 00:07:56,140 where w is the hole width. 209 00:07:56,140 --> 00:07:57,978 These are only w over two apart. 210 00:07:57,978 --> 00:08:00,710 That two cancels with that two. 211 00:08:00,710 --> 00:08:02,878 Okay, but I didn't really prove that this hole, 212 00:08:02,878 --> 00:08:04,612 that they should all be destructive yet. 213 00:08:04,612 --> 00:08:06,311 This is just for these two. 214 00:08:06,311 --> 00:08:08,170 We've got infinitely many more in here. 215 00:08:08,170 --> 00:08:10,434 How are we ever going to show that if these two cancel, 216 00:08:10,434 --> 00:08:11,635 the rest of them cancel? 217 00:08:11,635 --> 00:08:13,807 Well, we'll just pair them off. 218 00:08:13,807 --> 00:08:14,604 Look at this. 219 00:08:14,604 --> 00:08:16,911 Now imagine you come down one. 220 00:08:16,911 --> 00:08:18,330 I go to this one, 221 00:08:18,330 --> 00:08:21,341 I consider this wave that makes it over to here. 222 00:08:21,341 --> 00:08:25,966 And the next wave, down from this other one here. 223 00:08:25,966 --> 00:08:27,434 Okay, so I move this one down a smidgen, 224 00:08:27,434 --> 00:08:28,711 I move this one down a smidgen. 225 00:08:28,711 --> 00:08:32,242 I imagine these two waves traveling a certain distance 226 00:08:33,195 --> 00:08:35,441 to get over to this point. 227 00:08:35,441 --> 00:08:38,470 What relationship holds between these two? 228 00:08:38,470 --> 00:08:39,404 I can do the same thing. 229 00:08:39,404 --> 00:08:41,900 These are also w over two apart. 230 00:08:41,900 --> 00:08:46,900 So this here, is also w over two. 231 00:08:48,470 --> 00:08:50,312 So I'd get the same relationship. 232 00:08:50,312 --> 00:08:51,747 I'd get w over two. 233 00:08:51,747 --> 00:08:54,133 Sin of, is that going to be the same angle? 234 00:08:54,133 --> 00:08:55,239 Yeah, it's the same angle. 235 00:08:55,239 --> 00:08:56,346 Same point on the wall. 236 00:08:56,346 --> 00:08:58,470 This is really far away 237 00:08:58,470 --> 00:09:00,278 so these approximations are whole, 238 00:09:00,278 --> 00:09:02,711 where these line are supposed to be approximately 239 00:09:02,711 --> 00:09:04,867 parallel because the screen or 240 00:09:04,867 --> 00:09:07,597 the wall's very far away in comparison to the width. 241 00:09:07,597 --> 00:09:08,614 That equals... 242 00:09:08,614 --> 00:09:10,844 well, that's going to be the same thing. 243 00:09:10,844 --> 00:09:13,433 I've got a w over two, times sin of the same angle. 244 00:09:13,433 --> 00:09:15,977 Shoot, that's got to equal the same thing 245 00:09:15,977 --> 00:09:16,880 that it did up here. 246 00:09:16,880 --> 00:09:17,908 If the angle's the same, 247 00:09:17,908 --> 00:09:19,579 my w over two is the same. 248 00:09:19,579 --> 00:09:21,779 That's also going to equal half a wavelength. 249 00:09:21,779 --> 00:09:23,542 That's also going to be destructive. 250 00:09:23,542 --> 00:09:26,600 These two will also interfere destructively. 251 00:09:26,600 --> 00:09:27,909 And I can keep playing this game. 252 00:09:27,909 --> 00:09:30,872 I can pick this point here, over to here. 253 00:09:30,872 --> 00:09:31,875 And the next one down. 254 00:09:31,875 --> 00:09:33,472 These two would have to be destructive. 255 00:09:33,472 --> 00:09:35,572 I can pair them off and keep pairing them off. 256 00:09:35,572 --> 00:09:38,676 I get destructive for all of them. 257 00:09:38,676 --> 00:09:40,770 I could annihilate all of them by pairing them off 258 00:09:40,770 --> 00:09:43,777 and finding a partner that's destructive to that one. 259 00:09:43,777 --> 00:09:46,513 And so, this really is a destructive point. 260 00:09:46,513 --> 00:09:48,845 This point over here, 261 00:09:48,845 --> 00:09:50,108 all the light is gone. 262 00:09:50,108 --> 00:09:51,638 Completely annihilated. 263 00:09:51,638 --> 00:09:53,166 Gives you destructive. 264 00:09:53,166 --> 00:09:57,114 So the short of it, is that this relationship here, 265 00:09:57,114 --> 00:10:00,544 this relationship that w, this slit width, 266 00:10:00,544 --> 00:10:04,360 times sin of theta, the angle, same angle 267 00:10:04,360 --> 00:10:05,409 we've always been defining it as, 268 00:10:05,409 --> 00:10:09,463 equals integer wavelengths. 269 00:10:09,463 --> 00:10:11,434 This time got to be careful though, 270 00:10:11,434 --> 00:10:14,290 this time this gives you destructive points. 271 00:10:14,290 --> 00:10:15,644 Not the constructive points. 272 00:10:15,644 --> 00:10:17,239 It was always constructive before. 273 00:10:17,239 --> 00:10:19,780 This gives you destructive points now. 274 00:10:19,780 --> 00:10:21,200 And you might be upset. 275 00:10:21,200 --> 00:10:22,839 You might say, "Hold on a minute, 276 00:10:22,839 --> 00:10:24,530 "we only proved this for, 277 00:10:24,530 --> 00:10:26,378 "this was just for n equals one. 278 00:10:26,383 --> 00:10:27,590 "Or m equals one. 279 00:10:27,590 --> 00:10:29,028 "One wavelength. 280 00:10:29,028 --> 00:10:31,763 "You didn't prove this for anything besides n equals one. 281 00:10:31,763 --> 00:10:34,412 Well, you can just as easily show 282 00:10:34,412 --> 00:10:37,743 that three lambda over two would also give destructive. 283 00:10:37,743 --> 00:10:39,742 Or five lambda over two. 284 00:10:39,742 --> 00:10:41,941 That would give us all the odd integers here. 285 00:10:41,941 --> 00:10:46,079 So m, m here can be... 286 00:10:46,079 --> 00:10:47,138 it can't be zero. 287 00:10:47,138 --> 00:10:48,539 We'll talk about that in a minute. 288 00:10:48,539 --> 00:10:52,798 It could be one, two, three, four, five, and so on. 289 00:10:52,798 --> 00:10:54,545 One we already showed. 290 00:10:54,545 --> 00:10:56,479 Three you get, 291 00:10:56,479 --> 00:10:58,633 well, if you made this three halves wavelength, 292 00:10:58,633 --> 00:10:59,943 that's also destructive. 293 00:10:59,943 --> 00:11:00,914 That'd be three. 294 00:11:00,914 --> 00:11:02,064 Five halves wavelength, 295 00:11:02,064 --> 00:11:03,672 the two's are always cancelling. 296 00:11:03,672 --> 00:11:06,108 So five halves wavelength would work. 297 00:11:06,108 --> 00:11:08,371 What about the even integers? 298 00:11:08,371 --> 00:11:09,602 How do we get these? 299 00:11:09,602 --> 00:11:12,596 Well, those come from the fact that I didn't 300 00:11:12,596 --> 00:11:17,596 have to pair these off with the top one and the middle one. 301 00:11:17,806 --> 00:11:20,445 That's dividing this into w over two. 302 00:11:20,445 --> 00:11:24,375 So pairing them off, by lengths of w over two. 303 00:11:24,375 --> 00:11:25,501 I can pair them off. 304 00:11:25,501 --> 00:11:27,979 I can divide this by any even integer. 305 00:11:27,979 --> 00:11:30,803 I can imagine pairing off instead of doing 306 00:11:30,803 --> 00:11:33,080 the top most one and the middle one. 307 00:11:33,080 --> 00:11:38,080 I can do the top most one and skip one down here. 308 00:11:38,105 --> 00:11:39,917 And so I can pair these off, 309 00:11:39,917 --> 00:11:44,463 if I divide this into this distance right here. 310 00:11:46,094 --> 00:11:47,908 That distance would be, what? 311 00:11:47,908 --> 00:11:49,269 That'd be w over four. 312 00:11:49,269 --> 00:11:51,279 And so I can imagine pairing off, 313 00:11:51,279 --> 00:11:53,455 okay if these two cancel, 314 00:11:54,331 --> 00:11:56,111 if those two points cancel, 315 00:11:56,111 --> 00:11:59,262 then the next one down, 316 00:11:59,262 --> 00:12:01,642 so this one here... 317 00:12:02,934 --> 00:12:06,400 And this one here would also cancel by the same reasoning. 318 00:12:06,400 --> 00:12:08,911 And so, I can play the same game now, 319 00:12:08,911 --> 00:12:11,143 but w over four would be how I divide it. 320 00:12:11,143 --> 00:12:12,280 I can't divide it by anything. 321 00:12:12,280 --> 00:12:13,575 I can't divide it by three. 322 00:12:13,575 --> 00:12:17,836 Like 2.5, because I always want to pair these off in two's. 323 00:12:17,836 --> 00:12:19,942 Always two's, that's my whole plan. 324 00:12:19,942 --> 00:12:21,269 That's my whole strategy here, 325 00:12:21,269 --> 00:12:23,233 to cancel these in two's. 326 00:12:23,233 --> 00:12:26,274 And I can do that by dividing this by any even integer. 327 00:12:26,274 --> 00:12:28,006 So w over four would work. 328 00:12:28,006 --> 00:12:29,100 What would that give us? 329 00:12:29,100 --> 00:12:31,815 Okay, w over four with the distance between these, 330 00:12:31,815 --> 00:12:36,509 times sin theta, equals, let's just say it's the first one, 331 00:12:36,509 --> 00:12:37,680 half of a wavelength. 332 00:12:37,680 --> 00:12:40,983 Well if I solve this, if I move the four over, 333 00:12:42,120 --> 00:12:46,011 I get w sin theta equals two lambda. 334 00:12:46,011 --> 00:12:49,397 So the two's also give us destructive interference. 335 00:12:49,397 --> 00:12:50,676 I can divide by eight. 336 00:12:50,676 --> 00:12:52,673 That would give us four, once I move it over. 337 00:12:52,673 --> 00:12:54,638 I can divide by any even integer, 338 00:12:54,638 --> 00:12:56,670 any integer here is going to give us 339 00:12:56,670 --> 00:12:58,477 a destructive point on the wall. 340 00:12:58,477 --> 00:13:01,411 So this would be m equals one. 341 00:13:01,411 --> 00:13:04,002 This would be m equals two. 342 00:13:04,002 --> 00:13:05,993 And so on, upwards. 343 00:13:05,993 --> 00:13:07,960 So this relationship right here gives you 344 00:13:07,960 --> 00:13:08,837 all the destructive points. 345 00:13:08,837 --> 00:13:11,569 How come m equals zero is not a destructive point? 346 00:13:11,569 --> 00:13:13,377 Well, m equals zero is right in the middle. 347 00:13:13,377 --> 00:13:15,310 That's the most constructive point. 348 00:13:15,310 --> 00:13:16,545 That's the brightest spot. 349 00:13:16,545 --> 00:13:20,538 So m equals zero is not a destructive point. 350 00:13:20,538 --> 00:13:24,080 But any other integer does give you a destructive point. 351 00:13:24,080 --> 00:13:26,933 So this is the formula for the destructive points, 352 00:13:26,933 --> 00:13:30,879 w is the entire width of the Single Slit. 353 00:13:30,879 --> 00:13:34,904 Theta is the angle, the way we normally measure angle here, 354 00:13:34,904 --> 00:13:36,777 you imagine a center line like that. 355 00:13:36,777 --> 00:13:39,575 Imagine a line up to your point on the wall. 356 00:13:39,575 --> 00:13:42,645 This angle here would be theta. 357 00:13:42,645 --> 00:13:46,033 And m is any integer that is not zero. 358 00:13:46,033 --> 00:13:49,603 Lambda is the wavelength of the actual light 359 00:13:49,603 --> 00:13:51,834 that you're sending in here. 360 00:13:51,834 --> 00:13:54,081 Now this just gives you the destructive points. 361 00:13:54,081 --> 00:13:56,173 You might wonder, "Hey, I'm clever. 362 00:13:56,173 --> 00:13:59,340 "If the integers are giving us destructive points, 363 00:13:59,340 --> 00:14:03,643 "then the half integers should give us the constructive points?" 364 00:14:03,643 --> 00:14:07,437 If w sin theta equals, you know, lambda over two, 365 00:14:07,437 --> 00:14:10,041 or three lambda over two, 366 00:14:10,041 --> 00:14:13,645 is this going to give us constructive points? 367 00:14:13,645 --> 00:14:16,546 And eh, not really. 368 00:14:16,546 --> 00:14:19,247 So, there's some complications here. 369 00:14:19,247 --> 00:14:21,137 And if you're interested in why 370 00:14:21,137 --> 00:14:24,008 this does not give the constructive points, 371 00:14:24,008 --> 00:14:25,677 I'm going to make another video. 372 00:14:25,677 --> 00:14:26,938 Watch that one. 373 00:14:26,938 --> 00:14:28,733 Because if you've been paying close attention, 374 00:14:28,733 --> 00:14:31,306 you should be upset about something else too. 375 00:14:31,306 --> 00:14:33,771 You should be upset about something earlier I've said, 376 00:14:33,771 --> 00:14:35,705 that might make it seem like we can prove 377 00:14:35,705 --> 00:14:37,405 this does not happen. 378 00:14:37,405 --> 00:14:39,138 With the diffraction grading, 379 00:14:39,138 --> 00:14:40,980 if you were paying close attention, 380 00:14:40,980 --> 00:14:45,112 we "proved," quote unquote, that these do not occur. 381 00:14:45,112 --> 00:14:47,546 And if you're upset by any of that, 382 00:14:47,546 --> 00:14:49,542 or you want to know why the constructive formula 383 00:14:49,542 --> 00:14:51,929 does not exactly give you constructive points, 384 00:14:51,929 --> 00:14:53,239 watch that video. 385 00:14:53,239 --> 00:14:54,971 If you're happy with what we do know. 386 00:14:54,971 --> 00:14:57,906 That this gives you the destructive points on the wall, 387 00:14:57,906 --> 00:00:00,000 then you're good.