1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,920 2 00:00:00,920 --> 00:00:02,860 We've learned a little bit about gravity. 3 00:00:02,860 --> 00:00:05,120 We've learned a little bit about electrostatic. 4 00:00:05,120 --> 00:00:09,280 So, time to learn about a new fundamental 5 00:00:09,280 --> 00:00:10,300 force of the universe. 6 00:00:10,300 --> 00:00:13,180 And this one is probably second most familiar to us, 7 00:00:13,180 --> 00:00:13,890 next to gravity. 8 00:00:13,890 --> 00:00:15,140 And that's magnetism. 9 00:00:15,140 --> 00:00:17,310 10 00:00:17,310 --> 00:00:18,240 Where does the word come from? 11 00:00:18,240 --> 00:00:21,810 Well, I think several civilizations-- I'm no 12 00:00:21,810 --> 00:00:29,810 historian-- found these lodestones, these objects that 13 00:00:29,810 --> 00:00:33,260 would attract other objects like it, other magnets. 14 00:00:33,260 --> 00:00:37,720 Or would even attract metallic objects like iron. 15 00:00:37,720 --> 00:00:39,260 Ferrous objects. 16 00:00:39,260 --> 00:00:41,320 And they're called lodestones. 17 00:00:41,320 --> 00:00:43,150 That's, I guess, the Western term for it. 18 00:00:43,150 --> 00:00:45,800 And the reason why they're called magnets is because 19 00:00:45,800 --> 00:00:50,590 they're named after lodestones that were found near the Greek 20 00:00:50,590 --> 00:00:51,840 province of Magnesia. 21 00:00:51,840 --> 00:00:56,800 22 00:00:56,800 --> 00:00:58,330 And I actually think the people who lived there were 23 00:00:58,330 --> 00:01:00,160 called Magnetes. 24 00:01:00,160 --> 00:01:03,790 But anyway, you could Wikipedia that and learn more 25 00:01:03,790 --> 00:01:05,459 about it than I know. 26 00:01:05,459 --> 00:01:08,090 But anyway let's focus on what magnetism is. 27 00:01:08,090 --> 00:01:12,010 And I think most of us have at least a working knowledge of 28 00:01:12,010 --> 00:01:15,490 what it is; we've all played with magnets and we've dealt 29 00:01:15,490 --> 00:01:16,470 with compasses. 30 00:01:16,470 --> 00:01:20,910 But I'll tell you this right now, what it really is, is 31 00:01:20,910 --> 00:01:22,250 pretty deep. 32 00:01:22,250 --> 00:01:25,740 And I think it's fairly-- I don't think anyone has-- we 33 00:01:25,740 --> 00:01:28,940 can mathematically understand it and manipulate it and see 34 00:01:28,940 --> 00:01:31,410 how it relates to electricity. 35 00:01:31,410 --> 00:01:33,890 We actually will show you the electrostatic force and the 36 00:01:33,890 --> 00:01:37,480 magnetic force are actually the same thing, just viewed 37 00:01:37,480 --> 00:01:39,090 from different frames of reference. 38 00:01:39,090 --> 00:01:40,420 I know that all of that sounds very 39 00:01:40,420 --> 00:01:41,560 complicated and all of that. 40 00:01:41,560 --> 00:01:45,370 But in our classical Newtonian world we treat them as two 41 00:01:45,370 --> 00:01:46,040 different forces. 42 00:01:46,040 --> 00:01:48,830 But what I'm saying is although we're kind of used to 43 00:01:48,830 --> 00:01:52,480 a magnet just like we're used to gravity, just like gravity 44 00:01:52,480 --> 00:01:54,620 is also fairly mysterious when you really think about what it 45 00:01:54,620 --> 00:01:56,530 is, so is magnetism. 46 00:01:56,530 --> 00:01:59,290 So with that said, let's at least try to get some working 47 00:01:59,290 --> 00:02:02,550 knowledge of how we can deal with magnetism. 48 00:02:02,550 --> 00:02:07,650 So we're all familiar with a magnet. 49 00:02:07,650 --> 00:02:10,610 I didn't want it to be yellow. 50 00:02:10,610 --> 00:02:12,060 I could make the boundary yellow. 51 00:02:12,060 --> 00:02:16,100 No, I didn't want it to be like that either. 52 00:02:16,100 --> 00:02:21,360 So if this is a magnet, we know that a magnet 53 00:02:21,360 --> 00:02:24,120 always has two poles. 54 00:02:24,120 --> 00:02:28,330 It has a north pole and a south pole. 55 00:02:28,330 --> 00:02:30,450 And these were just labeled by convention. 56 00:02:30,450 --> 00:02:33,630 Because when people first discovered these lodestones, 57 00:02:33,630 --> 00:02:37,300 or they took a lodestone and they magnetized a needle with 58 00:02:37,300 --> 00:02:40,190 that lodestone, and then that needle they put on a cork in a 59 00:02:40,190 --> 00:02:44,840 bucket of water, and that needle would point to the 60 00:02:44,840 --> 00:02:46,000 Earth's north pole. 61 00:02:46,000 --> 00:02:48,250 They said, oh, well the side of the needle that is pointing 62 00:02:48,250 --> 00:02:50,820 to the Earth's north, let's call that the north pole. 63 00:02:50,820 --> 00:02:52,860 And the point of the needle that's pointing to the south 64 00:02:52,860 --> 00:02:57,300 pole-- sorry, the point of the needle that's pointing to the 65 00:02:57,300 --> 00:02:59,210 Earth's geographic south, we'll call 66 00:02:59,210 --> 00:03:00,230 that the south pole. 67 00:03:00,230 --> 00:03:03,050 Or another way to put it, if we have a magnet, the 68 00:03:03,050 --> 00:03:05,790 direction of the magnet or the side of the magnet that 69 00:03:05,790 --> 00:03:07,980 orients itself-- if it's allowed to orient freely 70 00:03:07,980 --> 00:03:11,330 without friction-- towards our geographic north, we call that 71 00:03:11,330 --> 00:03:12,280 the north pole. 72 00:03:12,280 --> 00:03:14,820 And the other side is the south pole. 73 00:03:14,820 --> 00:03:23,710 And this is actually a little bit-- obviously we call the 74 00:03:23,710 --> 00:03:26,930 top of the Earth the north pole. 75 00:03:26,930 --> 00:03:30,600 You know, this is the north pole. 76 00:03:30,600 --> 00:03:34,530 And we call this the south pole. 77 00:03:34,530 --> 00:03:38,840 And there's another notion of magnetic north. 78 00:03:38,840 --> 00:03:42,380 And that's where-- I guess, you could kind of say-- that 79 00:03:42,380 --> 00:03:47,270 is where a compass, the north point of a 80 00:03:47,270 --> 00:03:48,690 compass, will point to. 81 00:03:48,690 --> 00:03:51,730 And actually, magnetic north moves around because we have 82 00:03:51,730 --> 00:03:54,150 all of this moving fluid inside of the earth. 83 00:03:54,150 --> 00:03:55,215 And a bunch of other interactions. 84 00:03:55,215 --> 00:03:56,690 It's a very complex interaction. 85 00:03:56,690 --> 00:04:01,130 But magnetic north is actually roughly in northern Canada. 86 00:04:01,130 --> 00:04:04,240 So magnetic north might be here. 87 00:04:04,240 --> 00:04:05,510 So that might be magnetic north. 88 00:04:05,510 --> 00:04:07,420 And magnetic south, I don't know exactly where that is. 89 00:04:07,420 --> 00:04:09,340 But it can kind of move around a little bit. 90 00:04:09,340 --> 00:04:10,360 It's not in the same place. 91 00:04:10,360 --> 00:04:14,860 So it's a little bit off the axis of the geographic north 92 00:04:14,860 --> 00:04:16,180 pole and the south pole. 93 00:04:16,180 --> 00:04:19,540 And this is another slightly confusing thing. 94 00:04:19,540 --> 00:04:23,720 Magnetic north is the geographic location, where the 95 00:04:23,720 --> 00:04:26,970 north pole of a magnet will point to. 96 00:04:26,970 --> 00:04:31,730 But that would actually be the south pole, if you viewed the 97 00:04:31,730 --> 00:04:32,980 Earth as a magnet. 98 00:04:32,980 --> 00:04:35,240 99 00:04:35,240 --> 00:04:38,800 So if the Earth was a big magnet, you would actually 100 00:04:38,800 --> 00:04:40,820 view that as a south pole of the magnet. 101 00:04:40,820 --> 00:04:43,780 And the geographic south pole is the 102 00:04:43,780 --> 00:04:44,640 north pole of the magnet. 103 00:04:44,640 --> 00:04:46,390 You could read more about that on Wikipedia, I know it's a 104 00:04:46,390 --> 00:04:47,390 little bit confusing. 105 00:04:47,390 --> 00:04:49,520 But in general, when most people refer to magnetic 106 00:04:49,520 --> 00:04:51,920 north, or the north pole, they're talking about the 107 00:04:51,920 --> 00:04:53,930 geographic north area. 108 00:04:53,930 --> 00:04:56,940 And the south pole is the geographic south area. 109 00:04:56,940 --> 00:05:00,170 But the reason why I make this distinction is because we know 110 00:05:00,170 --> 00:05:03,520 when we deal with magnets, just like electricity, or 111 00:05:03,520 --> 00:05:06,590 electrostatics-- but I'll show a key difference very 112 00:05:06,590 --> 00:05:10,760 shortly-- is that opposite poles attract. 113 00:05:10,760 --> 00:05:14,770 So if this side of my magnet is attracted to Earth's north 114 00:05:14,770 --> 00:05:19,730 pole then Earth's north pole-- or Earth's magnetic north-- 115 00:05:19,730 --> 00:05:22,690 actually must be the south pole of that magnet. 116 00:05:22,690 --> 00:05:23,370 And vice versa. 117 00:05:23,370 --> 00:05:26,110 The south pole of my magnet here is going to be attracted 118 00:05:26,110 --> 00:05:28,090 to Earth's magnetic south. 119 00:05:28,090 --> 00:05:29,770 Which is actually the north pole of the 120 00:05:29,770 --> 00:05:31,660 magnet we call Earth. 121 00:05:31,660 --> 00:05:34,220 Anyway, I'll take Earth out of the equation because it gets a 122 00:05:34,220 --> 00:05:35,070 little bit confusing. 123 00:05:35,070 --> 00:05:37,650 And we'll just stick to bars because that tends to be a 124 00:05:37,650 --> 00:05:40,930 little bit more consistent. 125 00:05:40,930 --> 00:05:44,220 Let me erase this. 126 00:05:44,220 --> 00:05:45,500 There you go. 127 00:05:45,500 --> 00:05:46,750 I'll erase my Magnesia. 128 00:05:46,750 --> 00:05:49,680 129 00:05:49,680 --> 00:05:52,200 I wonder if the element magnesium was first discovered 130 00:05:52,200 --> 00:05:53,370 in Magnesia, as well. 131 00:05:53,370 --> 00:05:55,870 Probably. 132 00:05:55,870 --> 00:05:57,200 And I actually looked up Milk of 133 00:05:57,200 --> 00:05:58,920 Magnesia, which is a laxative. 134 00:05:58,920 --> 00:06:02,780 And it was not discovered in Magnesia, but it has 135 00:06:02,780 --> 00:06:04,780 magnesium in it. 136 00:06:04,780 --> 00:06:08,060 So I guess its roots could be in Magnesia if magnesium was 137 00:06:08,060 --> 00:06:09,410 discovered in Magnesia. 138 00:06:09,410 --> 00:06:11,530 Anyway, enough about Magnesia. 139 00:06:11,530 --> 00:06:13,870 Back to the magnets. 140 00:06:13,870 --> 00:06:18,350 So if this is a magnet, and let me draw another magnet. 141 00:06:18,350 --> 00:06:20,700 Actually, let me erase all of this. 142 00:06:20,700 --> 00:06:23,990 143 00:06:23,990 --> 00:06:24,935 All right. 144 00:06:24,935 --> 00:06:26,730 So let me draw two more magnets. 145 00:06:26,730 --> 00:06:32,840 146 00:06:32,840 --> 00:06:36,700 We know from experimentation when we were all kids, this is 147 00:06:36,700 --> 00:06:38,810 the north pole, this is the south pole. 148 00:06:38,810 --> 00:06:43,210 That the north pole is going to be attracted to the south 149 00:06:43,210 --> 00:06:45,700 pole of another magnet. 150 00:06:45,700 --> 00:06:48,490 And that if I were to flip this magnet around, it would 151 00:06:48,490 --> 00:06:52,480 actually repel north-- two north facing magnets would 152 00:06:52,480 --> 00:06:54,330 repel each other. 153 00:06:54,330 --> 00:06:56,930 And so we have this notion, just like we had in 154 00:06:56,930 --> 00:07:01,120 electrostatics, that a magnet generates a field. 155 00:07:01,120 --> 00:07:05,520 It generates these vectors around it, that if you put 156 00:07:05,520 --> 00:07:09,840 something in that field that can be affected by it, it'll 157 00:07:09,840 --> 00:07:15,630 be some net force acting on it. 158 00:07:15,630 --> 00:07:17,850 So actually, before I go into magnetic field, I actually 159 00:07:17,850 --> 00:07:24,030 want to make one huge distinction between magnetism 160 00:07:24,030 --> 00:07:25,360 and electrostatics. 161 00:07:25,360 --> 00:07:30,140 Magnetism always comes in the form of a dipole. 162 00:07:30,140 --> 00:07:30,910 What does a dipole mean? 163 00:07:30,910 --> 00:07:32,700 It means that we have two poles. 164 00:07:32,700 --> 00:07:34,520 A north and a south. 165 00:07:34,520 --> 00:07:40,430 In electrostatics, you do have two charges. 166 00:07:40,430 --> 00:07:43,480 You have a positive charge and a negative charge. 167 00:07:43,480 --> 00:07:44,630 So you do have two charges. 168 00:07:44,630 --> 00:07:46,530 But they could be by themselves. 169 00:07:46,530 --> 00:07:48,230 You could just have a proton. 170 00:07:48,230 --> 00:07:49,600 You don't have to have an electron there 171 00:07:49,600 --> 00:07:50,490 right next to it. 172 00:07:50,490 --> 00:07:54,620 You could just have a proton and it would create a positive 173 00:07:54,620 --> 00:07:56,140 electrostatic field. 174 00:07:56,140 --> 00:07:57,950 And our field lines are what a positive point 175 00:07:57,950 --> 00:07:59,000 charge would do. 176 00:07:59,000 --> 00:08:00,260 And it would be repelled. 177 00:08:00,260 --> 00:08:05,340 So you don't always have to have a negative charge there. 178 00:08:05,340 --> 00:08:07,250 Similarly you could just have an electron. 179 00:08:07,250 --> 00:08:08,690 And you don't have to have a proton there. 180 00:08:08,690 --> 00:08:10,460 So you could have monopoles. 181 00:08:10,460 --> 00:08:12,740 These are called monopoles, when you just have one charge 182 00:08:12,740 --> 00:08:14,770 when you're talking about electrostatics. 183 00:08:14,770 --> 00:08:17,420 But with magnetism you always have a dipole. 184 00:08:17,420 --> 00:08:20,200 If I were to take this magnet, this one right here, and if I 185 00:08:20,200 --> 00:08:28,510 were to cut it in half, somehow miraculously each of 186 00:08:28,510 --> 00:08:30,150 those halves of that magnet will turn 187 00:08:30,150 --> 00:08:31,560 into two more magnets. 188 00:08:31,560 --> 00:08:34,260 Where this will be the south, this'll be the north, this'll 189 00:08:34,260 --> 00:08:36,679 be the south, this will be the north. 190 00:08:36,679 --> 00:08:41,200 And actually, theoretically, I've read-- my own abilities 191 00:08:41,200 --> 00:08:44,110 don't go this far-- there could be such a thing as a 192 00:08:44,110 --> 00:08:46,200 magnetic monopole, although it has not been 193 00:08:46,200 --> 00:08:48,320 observed yet in nature. 194 00:08:48,320 --> 00:08:51,130 So everything we've seen in nature has been a dipole. 195 00:08:51,130 --> 00:08:54,260 So you could just keep cutting this up, all the way down to 196 00:08:54,260 --> 00:08:56,000 if it's just one electron left. 197 00:08:56,000 --> 00:08:59,230 And it actually turns out that even one electron is still a 198 00:08:59,230 --> 00:09:00,400 magnetic dipole. 199 00:09:00,400 --> 00:09:04,400 It still is generating, it still has a north pole and a 200 00:09:04,400 --> 00:09:05,310 south pole. 201 00:09:05,310 --> 00:09:08,830 And actually it turns out, all magnets, the magnetic field is 202 00:09:08,830 --> 00:09:12,380 actually generated by the electrons within it. 203 00:09:12,380 --> 00:09:14,710 By the spin of electrons and that-- you know, when we talk 204 00:09:14,710 --> 00:09:16,970 about electron spin we imagine some little 205 00:09:16,970 --> 00:09:18,430 ball of charge spinning. 206 00:09:18,430 --> 00:09:20,910 But electrons are-- you know, it's hard to-- 207 00:09:20,910 --> 00:09:21,900 they do have mass. 208 00:09:21,900 --> 00:09:23,590 But it starts to get fuzzy whether they 209 00:09:23,590 --> 00:09:24,720 are energy or mass. 210 00:09:24,720 --> 00:09:26,990 And then how does a ball of energy spin? 211 00:09:26,990 --> 00:09:27,510 Et cetera, et cetera. 212 00:09:27,510 --> 00:09:31,900 So it gets very almost metaphysical. 213 00:09:31,900 --> 00:09:33,220 So I don't want to go too far into it. 214 00:09:33,220 --> 00:09:35,710 And frankly, I don't think you really can get an intuition. 215 00:09:35,710 --> 00:09:38,080 It is almost-- it is a realm that we don't 216 00:09:38,080 --> 00:09:39,790 normally operate in. 217 00:09:39,790 --> 00:09:43,340 But even these large magnets you deal with, the magnetic 218 00:09:43,340 --> 00:09:47,120 field is generated by the electron spins inside of it 219 00:09:47,120 --> 00:09:51,040 and by the actual magnetic fields generated by the 220 00:09:51,040 --> 00:09:53,620 electron motion around the protons. 221 00:09:53,620 --> 00:09:56,350 Well, I hope I'm not overwhelming you. 222 00:09:56,350 --> 00:09:58,370 And you might say, well, how come sometimes a metal bar can 223 00:09:58,370 --> 00:10:00,700 be magnetized and sometimes it won't be? 224 00:10:00,700 --> 00:10:02,940 Well, when all of the electrons are doing random 225 00:10:02,940 --> 00:10:06,220 different things in a metal bar, then it's not magnetized. 226 00:10:06,220 --> 00:10:10,590 Because the magnetic spins, or the magnetism created by the 227 00:10:10,590 --> 00:10:11,920 electrons are all canceling each other out, 228 00:10:11,920 --> 00:10:12,790 because it's random. 229 00:10:12,790 --> 00:10:16,100 But if you align the spins of the electrons, and if you 230 00:10:16,100 --> 00:10:20,130 align their rotations, then you will have a magnetically 231 00:10:20,130 --> 00:10:21,060 charged bar. 232 00:10:21,060 --> 00:10:23,620 But anyway, I'm past the ten-minute mark, but hopefully 233 00:10:23,620 --> 00:10:26,140 that gives you a little bit of a working knowledge of 234 00:10:26,140 --> 00:10:27,190 what a magnet is. 235 00:10:27,190 --> 00:10:31,170 And in the next video, I will show what the effect is. 236 00:10:31,170 --> 00:10:34,490 Well, one, I'll explain how we think about a magnetic field. 237 00:10:34,490 --> 00:10:36,100 And then what the effect of a magnetic 238 00:10:36,100 --> 00:10:38,870 field is on an electron. 239 00:10:38,870 --> 00:10:41,140 Or not an electron, on a moving charge. 240 00:10:41,140 --> 00:10:43,010 See you in the next video. 241 00:10:43,010 --> 00:00:00,000