1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,600 2 00:00:00,600 --> 00:00:03,600 Let's see if we can apply what we've learned to a 3 00:00:03,600 --> 00:00:06,890 particularly hairy problem that I have constructed. 4 00:00:06,890 --> 00:00:09,600 So let me see how I can construct this. 5 00:00:09,600 --> 00:00:15,780 So let's say in parallel, I have this resistor up here. 6 00:00:15,780 --> 00:00:17,590 And I try to make it so the numbers work 7 00:00:17,590 --> 00:00:19,760 out reasonably neat. 8 00:00:19,760 --> 00:00:28,000 That is 4 ohms. Then I have another resistor right here. 9 00:00:28,000 --> 00:00:36,340 That is 8 ohms. Then I have another resistor right here. 10 00:00:36,340 --> 00:00:43,760 That is 16 ohms. And then, I have another resistor here, 11 00:00:43,760 --> 00:00:48,640 that's ohms. Actually, I'm now making it up on the fly. 12 00:00:48,640 --> 00:00:50,990 I think the numbers might work out OK. 13 00:00:50,990 --> 00:00:54,710 16 ohms. 14 00:00:54,710 --> 00:00:59,750 And let's say that now here in series, I have a resistor that 15 00:00:59,750 --> 00:01:07,720 is 1 ohm, and then in parallel to this whole thing-- now you 16 00:01:07,720 --> 00:01:12,080 can see how hairy it's getting-- I have a resistor 17 00:01:12,080 --> 00:01:22,420 that is 3 ohms. And let's say I have a resistor here. 18 00:01:22,420 --> 00:01:26,640 19 00:01:26,640 --> 00:01:29,650 Let's just make it simple: 1 ohm. 20 00:01:29,650 --> 00:01:36,010 And just to make the numbers reasonably easy-- I am doing 21 00:01:36,010 --> 00:01:38,850 this on the fly now-- that's the positive terminal, 22 00:01:38,850 --> 00:01:41,140 negative terminal. 23 00:01:41,140 --> 00:01:47,370 Let's say that the voltage difference is 20 volts. 24 00:01:47,370 --> 00:01:52,050 So what I want us to do is, figure out what is the current 25 00:01:52,050 --> 00:01:54,540 flowing through the wire at that point? 26 00:01:54,540 --> 00:01:56,010 Obviously, that's going to be different than the current at 27 00:01:56,010 --> 00:01:58,090 that point, that point, that point, that point, all of 28 00:01:58,090 --> 00:01:59,710 these different points, but it's going to be the same as 29 00:01:59,710 --> 00:02:01,880 the current flowing at this point. 30 00:02:01,880 --> 00:02:03,370 So what is I? 31 00:02:03,370 --> 00:02:05,920 So the easiest way to do this is try to figure out the 32 00:02:05,920 --> 00:02:07,040 equivalent resistance. 33 00:02:07,040 --> 00:02:09,199 Because once we know the equivalent resistance of this 34 00:02:09,199 --> 00:02:12,940 big hairball, then we can just use Ohm's law and be done. 35 00:02:12,940 --> 00:02:16,460 So first of all, let's just start at, I could argue, the 36 00:02:16,460 --> 00:02:17,090 simplest part. 37 00:02:17,090 --> 00:02:19,310 Let's see if we could figure out the equivalent resistance 38 00:02:19,310 --> 00:02:23,550 of these four resistors in parallel. 39 00:02:23,550 --> 00:02:26,160 Well, we know that that resistance is going to be 40 00:02:26,160 --> 00:02:34,800 equal to 1/4 plus 1/8 plus 1/16 plus 1/16. 41 00:02:34,800 --> 00:02:37,450 So that resistance-- and now it's just adding 42 00:02:37,450 --> 00:02:39,100 fractions-- over 16. 43 00:02:39,100 --> 00:02:48,740 1/4 is 4/16 plus 2/16 plus 1 plus 1, so 1/R is equal to 4 44 00:02:48,740 --> 00:02:53,170 plus 2 is equal to 8/16-- the numbers are working out-- is 45 00:02:53,170 --> 00:02:57,260 equal to 1/2, so that equivalent resistance is 2. 46 00:02:57,260 --> 00:02:59,490 So that, quickly, we just said, well, all of these 47 00:02:59,490 --> 00:03:04,110 resistors combined is equal to 2 ohms. So let me erase that 48 00:03:04,110 --> 00:03:05,620 and simplify our drawing. 49 00:03:05,620 --> 00:03:09,020 50 00:03:09,020 --> 00:03:10,510 Simplify it. 51 00:03:10,510 --> 00:03:29,310 So that whole thing could now be simplified as 2 ohms. I 52 00:03:29,310 --> 00:03:30,240 lost some wire here. 53 00:03:30,240 --> 00:03:33,000 I want to make sure that circuit can still flow. 54 00:03:33,000 --> 00:03:36,910 So that easily, I turned that big, hairy mess into something 55 00:03:36,910 --> 00:03:39,540 that is a lot less hairy. 56 00:03:39,540 --> 00:03:41,950 Well, what is the equivalent resistance of this resistor 57 00:03:41,950 --> 00:03:43,330 and this resistor? 58 00:03:43,330 --> 00:03:46,290 Well, they're in series, and series resistors, they just 59 00:03:46,290 --> 00:03:47,710 add up together, right? 60 00:03:47,710 --> 00:03:50,770 So the combined resistance of this 2-ohm resistor and this 61 00:03:50,770 --> 00:03:53,510 1-ohm resistor is just a 3-ohm resistor. 62 00:03:53,510 --> 00:03:57,580 So let's erase and simplify. 63 00:03:57,580 --> 00:04:02,280 So then we get that combined resistor, right? 64 00:04:02,280 --> 00:04:05,360 We had the 2-ohm that we had simplified and 65 00:04:05,360 --> 00:04:06,610 then we had a 1-ohm. 66 00:04:06,610 --> 00:04:12,200 67 00:04:12,200 --> 00:04:15,250 So we had a 2-ohm and a 1-ohm in series, so those simplify 68 00:04:15,250 --> 00:04:16,880 to 3 ohms. 69 00:04:16,880 --> 00:04:19,300 Well, now this is getting really simple. 70 00:04:19,300 --> 00:04:23,670 So what do these two resistors simplify to? 71 00:04:23,670 --> 00:04:27,710 Well, 1 over their combined resistance is 72 00:04:27,710 --> 00:04:31,040 equal to 1/3 plus 1/3. 73 00:04:31,040 --> 00:04:31,870 It equals what? 74 00:04:31,870 --> 00:04:32,770 2/3. 75 00:04:32,770 --> 00:04:41,560 1/R is equal to 2/3, so R is equal to 3/2, or we could say 76 00:04:41,560 --> 00:04:45,960 1.5, right? 77 00:04:45,960 --> 00:04:51,100 So let's erase that and simplify our drawing. 78 00:04:51,100 --> 00:04:57,905 So this whole mess, the 3-ohm resistor in parallel with the 79 00:04:57,905 --> 00:05:00,980 other 3-ohm resistor is equal to one resistor with a 1.5 80 00:05:00,980 --> 00:05:02,020 resistance. 81 00:05:02,020 --> 00:05:03,600 And actually, this is actually a good point to give you a 82 00:05:03,600 --> 00:05:05,320 little intuition, right? 83 00:05:05,320 --> 00:05:07,550 Because even though these are 3-ohm resistors, we have two 84 00:05:07,550 --> 00:05:10,880 of them, so you're kind of increasing the pipe that the 85 00:05:10,880 --> 00:05:14,790 electrons can go in by a factor of two, right? 86 00:05:14,790 --> 00:05:17,150 So it's actually decreasing the resistance. 87 00:05:17,150 --> 00:05:19,590 It's giving more avenues for the electrons to go through. 88 00:05:19,590 --> 00:05:21,500 Actually, they're going to be going in that direction. 89 00:05:21,500 --> 00:05:23,880 And that's why the combined resistance of both of these in 90 00:05:23,880 --> 00:05:27,160 parallel is actually half of either one of these 91 00:05:27,160 --> 00:05:27,565 resistances. 92 00:05:27,565 --> 00:05:30,090 I encourage you to think about that some more to give you 93 00:05:30,090 --> 00:05:31,610 some intuition of what's actually going on with the 94 00:05:31,610 --> 00:05:36,100 electrons, although I'll do a whole video on resistivity. 95 00:05:36,100 --> 00:05:41,180 OK so we said those two resistors combined-- I want to 96 00:05:41,180 --> 00:05:43,010 delete all of that. 97 00:05:43,010 --> 00:05:47,210 Those two resistors combined equal to a 1.5-ohm resistor. 98 00:05:47,210 --> 00:05:49,850 99 00:05:49,850 --> 00:05:53,540 That's 1.5 ohms. And now all we're left with is two 100 00:05:53,540 --> 00:05:59,270 resistors in parallel, so the whole circuit becomes this, 101 00:05:59,270 --> 00:06:00,860 which is the very basic one. 102 00:06:00,860 --> 00:06:04,270 This is a resistor: 1.5 ohms, 1 ohm in series. 103 00:06:04,270 --> 00:06:05,300 Did I say parallel just now? 104 00:06:05,300 --> 00:06:06,510 No, they're in series. 105 00:06:06,510 --> 00:06:13,210 1.5 plus 1, that's 2.5 ohms. The voltage is 20 106 00:06:13,210 --> 00:06:14,710 volts across them. 107 00:06:14,710 --> 00:06:16,920 So what is the current? 108 00:06:16,920 --> 00:06:17,860 Ohm's law. 109 00:06:17,860 --> 00:06:19,920 V is equal to IR. 110 00:06:19,920 --> 00:06:24,500 Voltage is 20 is equal to current times our equivalent 111 00:06:24,500 --> 00:06:31,290 resistance times 2.5 ohms. Or another way to write 2.5 five 112 00:06:31,290 --> 00:06:33,410 is 5/2, right? 113 00:06:33,410 --> 00:06:38,060 So 20 is equal to I times 5/2. 114 00:06:38,060 --> 00:06:45,570 Or I is equal to 2/5 times 20, and what is that? 115 00:06:45,570 --> 00:06:49,950 2/5 is equal to I is equal to 8. 116 00:06:49,950 --> 00:06:51,470 8 amperes. 117 00:06:51,470 --> 00:06:54,590 That was not so bad, I don't think. 118 00:06:54,590 --> 00:06:56,850 Although when you saw it initially, it probably looked 119 00:06:56,850 --> 00:06:58,540 extremely intimidating. 120 00:06:58,540 --> 00:07:01,190 Anyway, if you understood that, you can actually solve 121 00:07:01,190 --> 00:07:04,920 fairly complicated circuit problems. I will see you in 122 00:07:04,920 --> 00:00:00,000 future videos.