questions for test

Сайт: Сайт "Открытых образовательных ресурсов"
Книга: questions for test
Напечатано:: Гость
Дата: Среда, 3 июля 2024, 10:17


1. 1 page

is the team of «word-group» denotes?

$A)  as a ready-made unit;

$B)  grammar words unit;

$C) secondary words;

$D)  the main phonetic unit;

$E) needs for thinking



What is the mean of «as loose as a goose» ?

$A) clumsy;

$B) lathy;

$C) crazy ;

$D) mad;

$E) fool;



What is the «word» ?

$A) sound with a meaning;

$B)  group of words;

$C)  group of sentences;

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$D) vowel groups;

$E) consonance groups;


What is the «morphemes» ?

$A)  the smallest meaningful;

$B)  as a ready-made unit;

$C) needs for thinking;

$D)  the largest meaningful;

$E) the large word-groups;



For how many groups the morphemes divided by?

$A)  2;

$B)  4;

$C) 13;

$D)  5;

$E)  3;



Find the mean of the word «splinter»?

$A)  зарра пайванд;

$B)  калимабанди;

$C) чумла пайванд;

$D)  гуфтугу;

$E)  лутф;

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Find the mean of the  splinter «maxi-series»?

$A) китф бар китфи якдигар;

$B) дастгири;

$C) хамкории зич;

$D)  дустии зич;

$E)  сафарбарии баланд;


@ 16.

Choose the most suitable  word

There is a big fence…the house.

$A) around;

$В) cum;

$C) in;

$D) in front;

$E) groundout;



Choose the most suitable  word formation

There were four of us…the baby

$A) including;

$В) inside;

$C) within;

$D) into;

$E) down;